Time plays cruel tricks on all of us. It takes our health and wellness. And for men, it steals away vitality and abilities to do, for lack of a better term, manly things.
And it’s a more common problem than many realize. One in four men over the age of 30 has low testosterone in the U.S.
So many men get to a certain age and feel like they just don’t have “it” anymore — the focus, drive or passion they once had. All of which are signs of low testosterone, or low T.
What’s the culprit? For some, the issue is a hormonal shortage caused by hypogonadism.
Getting a hypogonadism diagnosis sounds embarrassing at first. But getting one could be the first step in regaining some semblance of vitality that age has taken away.
Here’s what you need to know.
What Are The Symptoms of Hypogonadism?
Hypogonadism is a condition where the body doesn’t produce enough sex hormones. For men, the most pervasive sex hormone is testosterone. Testosterone drives male development, masculine growth, libido, and sperm production.
Men can be born with it or develop it later in life.
If born with the disease, males will show stunted development as children. Puberty will be severely minimized in that several male-typical traits won’t develop or will be muted. Things like increased muscle mass, a deepening voice, increased body hair or development of the sex organs won’t happen.
For men that develop it later in life, some of these factors may start to occur and reproductive and sexual function will decline.
The result may include erectile dysfunction, infertility, diminished muscle mass, fatigue, and decreased sex drive.
There are several other health conditions that have similar symptoms. So, it’s important not to assume what the problem and get an official diagnosis.
How to Get a Hypogonadism Diagnosis
A doctor will perform a battery of tests to check hormone levels to see if they are within normal ranges. Then if desired, treatment options can include increasing testosterone.
For men who come to Tampa Testosterone, it works like this: our professionals analyze each client’s hormonal makeup and base customized treatments to restore hormone levels
Men’s testosterone level reaches a peak after about age 19 and starts to stop increasing and tappers off slowly. However, testosterone levels drop off sharply for most men around age 30 to 35. And steep decreases continue in the following years.
A physician will perform several assessments to determine if someone has hypogonadism. Here are a few. Not all apply to every patient and may not be required to make a diagnosis:
- A blood test and or any number of hormone tests
- A physical that includes an examination of body hair and the size and consistency of the testicles, scrotum, and penis
- A comprehensive medical history with recent assessments of sex drive or previous diseases
- MRI or CT scans to assess the pituitary gland, which is near the brain
- Genetic tests
This may seem like a lot to do. But understanding exactly the picture of a man’s health and his hormonal profile is vital to providing the right treatments for low testosterone levels and hypogonadism.
Remember, getting testosterone levels back to normal, at the very least, and then getting them back to ideal levels takes a customized and comprehensive approach to resolving the issues men face as testosterone levels dip.
There are several benefits, not the least of which includes feeling like your old self.
How Do I Know If I Should Get Checked Out?
There are several factors that could be a signal that one has developed hypogonadism later in life.
Overall, several of the symptoms share a characteristic of feeling diminished, not like your old self. Others share diminished ambition or drive. Here’s a rundown of some of the common symptoms:
- Erectile dysfunction
- Diminish sex drive
- Difficulty focusing
- Feeling tired despite regular sleep
- Difficulty sleeping
- Hair loss
- Inability to lose weight or gain muscle mass
- Mood swings
- Hot flashes
- Diminished testicle size
Any combination of these factors for men age 30 or older are signs that your body could need help maintaining it’s optimal performance.
What’s the Upside?
There are several benefits, not the least of which includes feeling like your old self. Here are five specific benefits to testosterone therapy.
The aging process is normal. And that’s easy to think about. But when it starts, there is frustration and shame comes with not being in control of how your body is changing.
Hormone treatments put people back in control of their bodies. Plus, many of the symptoms mentioned above can be resolved by correcting hormone levels and adjusting one’s lifestyle.
Further, as men age, the need to maintain heart health grows. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of men in the U.S. And it can be staved off with regular exercise.
But the problem is if your testosterone levels are too low, you won’t want to exercise or get the full benefit of it.
Plus, active men often lose passion for the things they used to do before their testosterone diminished. Getting that back improves the quality of life for nearly all men tremendously.
No Need to Give Up, Take Control
Getting a hypogonadism diagnosis sounds like could tough. But it could be the best thing that you could hear to improve your health. At the very least, having a name for what’s ailing you starts the process of understanding it.
The best part of partnering with Tampa Testosterone is that you can give yourself your treatments on your own time and in the convenience of your own home. Order your labs today to take your life back.